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Yes. There is a bit of debate concerning the density of our local star, but a figure of about 1.4 grams per millilitre is good. The density of water, as you probably know, is 1 g/ml, so the sun is about 1.4 times as dense as water. The density of the sun will vary, and it is going to be more dense in the core than farther from its center, and you probably guessed that, too.

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Overall yes, much of the sun's volume is gaseous material which is much lighter than the rock and metal that the earth is composed of.

The density of Earth is 5.56 g/cm3 whereas the sun is 1.4 g/cm3 the earth is the most dense object in our Solar System (as far as we know)

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Q: Is the earth denser or less denser than water?
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