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No, the chloroplast is the football-shaped green thing. The gel is the cytoplasm.

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Q: Is the gel like liquid in the cell called chloroplast?
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What is chloroplast for a school?

the jelly like stuff in the cell

What dose the chloroplast do for the cell?

The chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis. The chloroplast is composed of the lumen and the stroma. The inside of the chloroplast looks like stacks of discs with gel in between them.

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What are the structure could be observed in plant cell?

Cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuole. Cytoplasm-soft jelly like liquid are where chemical reactions in cell take place Nucleus-never at center of cell controls cell activities cell wall-grants cell its shape cell membrane- filters chemicals in and out of plant cell canal where nutrients and waste travel through chloroplast-like chlorophyll mitochondria-provides energy for cell vacuole-contains excess material

Locate inside each cell is a jelly-like liquid called?

Jelly like cells inside the body are called cytoplasm. This is part of the cell membrane.

Where is a chloroplast found in the plant cell?

Chloroplast are found in cytoplasm of plant cell.

What is the roll of chloroplast in photosynthesis?

Is like the the food of a plant cell or animal cell.

What si the function of nucleus?

Part Function Cell membrane Controls what substances can get into and out of the cell. Cytoplasm Jelly-like substance, where chemical reactions happen. In plant cells there's a thin lining, whereas in animal cells most of the cell is cytoplasm. Nucleus Controls what happens inside the cell - it is not a 'brain'. Chloroplast Where photosynthesis happens - chloroplasts contain a green substance called chlorophyll. Vacuole Contains a liquid called cell sap, which keeps the cell firm. Cell wall Made of a tough substance called cellulose, which supports the cell.

What part of an animal's or human's body is like a plant cell's chloroplast?


How are chloroplast like mitochondria?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria both supply energy to the cell.

What do animal cells like most?

its shape is spherical but it has the same organelles as the plant cell except for chloroplast and the cell wall.