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Q: Is the maximum distance that the particles of a medium move from the rest position is what?
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The maximum distance that the particles of a waves medium vibrate from their resting position?

The maximum distance that particles of a wave's medium vibrate from their resting position is called the amplitude. It represents the strength or intensity of the wave. Amplitude is typically measured from the equilibrium position of a wave to the peak of its oscillation.

What do you call the maximum distance that the particles of a medium move from the rest position?

The maximum distance that particles of a medium move from their rest position is called amplitude.

What is the distance the particles in a wave move away from their rest position?

Amplitudethe maximum distance the particles of the medium carrying the wave move away from their rest position

What is the maximum distance the particles of the medium carrying the wave move away from their rest position?

A wave's ___________ is a measure of how far the particles in a medium move away from their normal rest position.

What is the maximum distance the particles of a medium carrying the wave move away from their resting position?

A wave's ___________ is a measure of how far the particles in a medium move away from their normal rest position.

The maximum distance the particles of the medium carrying a wave move away from their rest position is called the waves?

The maximum distance the particles of a medium move away from their rest position is called the amplitude of the wave. Amplitude determines the intensity or strength of the wave, with larger amplitudes corresponding to more energy being transferred by the wave.

What is the maximum distance the particles of the medium move away from the rest positions as a wave passes through the medium?

The maximum distance the particles move away from their rest positions as a wave passes through a medium is the amplitude of the wave.

What is the maximum distance molecules of a medium are moved from a rest position?


What is the maximum distance the particles of medium carrying the wave move away from the rest positions?

The maximum distance that particles of a medium move away from their rest positions is called the amplitude of the wave. It is half of the peak-to-peak distance or the maximum displacement of the wave from equilibrium.

The is the greatest distance that particles in a medium move from their normal position when a wave passes.?

When measured, this distance (from normal to peak) is considered to be 1/2 of the amplitude. Amplitude is defined as the peak-to-peak distance.

Explain what the amplitude of a water wave is?

The amplitude of a water wave is the maximum displacement of a water surface from its undisturbed position. It represents the height of the wave crest or the depth of the wave trough from the equilibrium level of the water.

The distance between the crest of a wave to the rest position of the medium?

The distance between the crest of a wave and the rest position of the medium is called the amplitude of the wave. It represents the maximum displacement of particles in the medium from their equilibrium position when the wave passes through. The larger the amplitude, the more energy the wave carries.