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Q: Is the mineral calcite found in a computers motherboard?
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What mineral is found in both limestone and marble?

Calcite is the mineral commonly found in both limestone and marble. Both rocks are formed primarily from calcite crystals.

What mineral is commonly found as limestone?


If acid is added to a piece of sandstone and it begins to bubble what mineral is likely to be found in the rock?

The bubbling reaction when acid is added to sandstone indicates the presence of the mineral calcite, which is sensitive to acids. Calcite is a common mineral found in sedimentary rocks like sandstone.

What mineral is a carbonate a compound that contains a -CO3 group?

Calcite is a mineral that contains the carbonate ion group (-CO3). It is a common mineral found in limestone and marble.

Calcium carbonate found in a stalactite?

It can be and is in the form of the mineral calcite.

Is calcite the main mineral comprising limestone and marble?

Yes, calcite is a primary mineral found in limestone and marble. It is the main component in these rocks and plays a significant role in their formation.

A mineral found in both limestone and marble?

Calcite is a mineral commonly found in both limestone and marble. It is a carbonate mineral with a white or colorless appearance and is a key component in the formation of these rocks through the process of metamorphism.

Which mineral-calcite ir quartz- is found in limestone rock?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is composed largely of the minerals calcite.

What type of mineral is aragonite?

Aragonite is a carbonate mineral it is a polymorph of the more common mineral calcite, it is mainly found in animal's shells.

Is boron in calcite?

No, boron is not typically found in calcite. Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral, while boron is a separate chemical element that does not usually form part of the composition of calcite crystals.

Which mineral-calcite or quartz- is found in granite rock?

Quartz is commonly found in granite rocks, while calcite is not typically a common mineral in granite. Granite is primarily composed of minerals like quartz, feldspar, and mica.

What mineral class is calite in?

Calcite is a mineral belonging to the carbonate class. It is composed of calcium carbonate and is commonly found in various geological environments, including limestone and marble formations.