

Is the nylon found in nature?

Updated: 5/28/2024
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12y ago

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No, nylon is a man made material.

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No, nylon is a synthetic polymer made from petroleum products. It is not found in nature and is produced through chemical processes in laboratories or factories.

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Q: Is the nylon found in nature?
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Where is nylon found?

Nylon is not 'found' anywhere in nature - it is a man-made substance.

Name the places where nylon are found in India?

Nylon is found in the factories because it is an artifial fibre which made factories

How long does it take nylon to decompose?

I found a website and it said that nylon took from 1 - 4 months for nylon to decompose.

Is ripstop nylon a nature fabric or a synthetic fabric?

All nylon is synthetic. The effect of 'ripstop' is the way the fabric has been woven.

Were is nylon found?

Nylon is a synthetic, or man-made material, so you don't 'find' it.

Which of the following polymers is found in stockings and ropes?

Nylon is the polymer that is commonly found in stockings and ropes due to its strength, elasticity, and durability.

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the history of nylon is that nylon was discovered by accident and was found to be a good fabric and helps people swim so it keeps them streamlined

What group and period is nylon in?

Nylon is a manufactured fiber containing amides. Because it is not an element, it is cannot be found on the periodic table.

Where can I buy reebok nylon running shoes for women?

Reebok nylon running shoes can be found at,, They can also be found in stores such as JJB Sports and Millets Sports.

Is chlorine synthetic not found in nature or found in nature?

Not found!

What is the affect of hydrochloric acid on nylon clothes?

Hydrochloric acid can degrade nylon fabric, causing it to weaken, discolor, or even dissolve depending on the concentration and duration of exposure. It is important to avoid contact between hydrochloric acid and nylon clothes to prevent damage.

How is cotton different from nylon?

nylon is synthetic and cotton is grown from a plant The biggest difference is that nylon is synthetic (man-made), while cotton is organic (found in nature).Cotton has been harvested from cotton plants and used for cloth for almost 7,000 years. It is used in many types of everyday cloth such as T-shirts, sheets, jeans, and terrycloth (the soft fluffy cloth used in towels and bathrobes).Nylon, on the other hand, was first created in 1935 by a scientist named Wallace Carothers. To make nylon, people mix together a special acid and base (the most common pairing is adipic acid with hexamethylene diamine) in factories. Nylon is used in products such as nylon stockings, machine parts (gears and screws), and hair brushes.