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Q: Is the organelle where aerobic respiration takes place?
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Cellular respiration occurs in the organelle?

Mitochondria.Site of aerobic respiration is mitochondria+cytoplasm. Anaerobic respiration takes place only in cytoplasm

What is the Respiration happens in organelle?

Aerobic cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria. Anaerobic cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm.

Organelle were cellular respiration takes place?


Does aerobic respiration takes place in humans?

YES! Aerobic respiration is basically respiration using oxygen - we breathe in oxygen - so aerobic respiration does take place in humans.

What takes place in a cell's mitochondria?

Aerobic respiration takes place. It generates energy in cell

What are the organelles where aerobic respiration takes place?

Mitochondria is an organelle present in both plant and animal cells. This is where the process known as cellular respiration happens.

Which organelle does respiration takes place?

In the Mitochondria

What organelle carries out cellular respiration in plants?

This, of course, would be the mitochondria.Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol outside said organelle.

What process in the mitochondrion?

It is called the respiration. Aerobic respiration takes place in it

Cell organelle where respiration takes place?


In what organelle does cellular respirstion take place in in the animal cell?

Aerobic cellular respiration takes place in the cytoplasm (glycolysis), and mitochondria (Krebs cycle and electron transport chain).

Does the aerobic respiration take place in the cytoplasm?

No, aerobic respiration takes place in the mitochondria. The mitochondria uses oxygen to produce energy for the cell.