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The process of locating objects by bouncing sound off them is called echolocation. Animals like bats and dolphins use this method to navigate and find prey in their environments. This technique involves emitting sound waves and listening for the echoes to determine the location, size, and shape of objects.

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Q: Is the process of locating objects by bouncing sounds off them?
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The process of detecting objects by bouncing sounds off them is called?

The process of detecting objects by bouncing sounds off them is called echolocation. This method is used by animals such as bats and dolphins to navigate and locate prey in their surroundings.

What is the process of detecting objects by bouncing sounds off of them is called?

its called echolocation or sonar. bats do it and so do dolphins

What is the process of detecting objects by bouncing sounds off of them called?

its called echolocation or sonar. bats do it and so do dolphins

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SOund NAvigation and Ranging. SONAR.

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Like a bat, dolphins use echolocation to navigate and hunt, bouncing high-pitched sounds off of objects, and listening for the echoes.

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