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Salt is prepared by evaporation of water.

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Jonathon Willms

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2y ago
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11y ago

It is distillation (desalination), where evaporation is used to evaporate water from seawater to obtain salt. The water vapour may then be condensed to form potable distilled water.
the process of removing salt from ocean water is called desalination

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12y ago

The process is called Distillation

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Q: Is the process of removing salt from water?
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What is the process of removing salt from salt water?

The process of removing salt from salt water, also known as desalination, typically involves either distillation, where the water is heated to evaporate and then condensed to remove salt, or reverse osmosis, where the water is forced through a membrane that blocks salt molecules while allowing water molecules to pass through. These methods are energy-intensive and can be expensive, but they are essential for providing fresh water in areas with limited water resources.

Is removing salt from water a suspension or is it a solution?

Removing salt from water is a process, not solution/suspension. Salt form with water solutions.

The process of removing salt from sea water?


Process of removing salt from sea water?


Is the process of of removing salt from sea water?


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desalination is for the process of removing salt from sea water.

A process called desalination means?

Desalination is the process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater to make it suitable for drinking or agricultural purposes. This is typically done through methods such as reverse osmosis or distillation to separate the salt from the water, providing a source of fresh, drinkable water in regions where freshwater resources are scarce.

Is the expensive process of removing salt from sea water to produce drinking water?

This process is called Desalination.

How is water supplied to houses in UAE?

UAE supplies water by a process called desalination.It is the process of removing salt from sea water

Is evapration the only way to remove salt from water?

Evaporation is one way to remove salt from water. You can also use vacuum distillation as a process of removing salt from water.

Is the process of removing salt from sea water is that starts with the letter d is called what?


What is extracting salt?

Desalination is the process of removing salt from sea-water in order to make it suitable for drinking.