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Q: Is the real name of the supplement sometimes called andro?
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What is a word with the prefix andro?

One word with the prefix "andro" is "androgynous," which means having characteristics of both male and female.

Another name for an adult hare?

Male adult hares are sometimes called bucks, and females are sometimes called does.

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One term is "Given name"...

What is another name for milkweed?

It is sometimes called silkweed.

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Sometimes it is called: DC.

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Holland is the name for the Nederlands.

What was Kupes Wakas name?

Matahorua (sometimes called Matahourua).

What is the name for a nestling falcon?

They are sometimes called fledglings or chicks.

What other name is mars sometimes called?

the red planet

What is the name for a scientist who works in water?

They are sometimes called "aquanauts".

What is the name for a group of animals called a business?

A groups of ferrets is sometimes called a business.

What is the typical name for a tornado?

There usually called a 'tornado' sometimes they are called twisters. Sometimes they are called landspouts and over water they are called a waterspouts. They are a type of cyclone which is any kind of whirling wind.