

Is the volume of space related to the volume of sound?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No. This is a case of a word being used in two different contexts meaning two entirely different (and unrelated) things.

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Q: Is the volume of space related to the volume of sound?
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Does the frequency of a sound wave deal with the volume of the sound?

No. Frequency is related to pitch, and amplitude is related to volume.

Which describe what volume is?

Volume is to do with sound and how loud or quiet it is, that is what volume is!

What words are related to sound?

Some words related to sound are noise, volume, pitch, and frequency.

What is related to the volume of a sound wave?

Amplitude (Apex)

Why is sound not matter?

sound is not matter because it dose not take up space and it dose not have volume

Define the volume?

Volume in geometry is how much space an object can hold/takes up. In sound, volume is how loud something is.

Can you hear the International Space Station pass overhead if all everything else around is still and quite?

Sound needs a volume to travel in. Space happens to be a vacuum, so said volume is not there. Sound cannot travel in space because of this. If sound cannot travel through space, it is not going to reach Earth. So, no.

What is the the difference between pitch and volume?

Pitch is related to a sound's frequency. Volume is related to its amplitude.

How is the volume in math alike to the volume of music?

Volume in math means the amount of space an object occupies. Volume in music means amplitude, loudness, or sound pressure. Scroll down to related links and look at "How many decibels (dB) is twice (double, half) or three times as loud?".

How are volume and thermal expansion related?

they are both filled with empty space.

How is volume related to decibels?

<p><p> Volume, as in sound volume, is measured in decibels.

How is volume and outer space related?

No, they are properties of matter. Outer space has the properties it has because it has little to no matter.