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Q: Is the word dentist a VCCV pattern?
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Is the word kingdom a vccv or vcccv?

The word "kingdom" is a VCCV pattern, with the consonants "ng" representing the first part of the second syllable in the word.

Is the word equal a vccv or vcv pattern?


What is vccv doublet and vccv different how are they different?

A VCCV doublet is a sequence of two VCCV syllables in a word, whereas a VCCV is a syllable pattern where a single consonant precedes a vowel-consonant-vowel sequence. The main difference lies in the number of VCCV units present in a word: doublet involves two, while VCCV simply has one.

Is the word factor a vccv or vcccv?


Is shuttle a vccv word?

Yes, "shuttle" is a VCCV (vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel) word because it has the pattern of a vowel followed by a consonant, then two consonants, and ending with a vowel.

Is the word butter a vccv or vcv?


Is denim a vccv or vcv word?

"Denim" is a VCCV (vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel) word.

Is the word shuttle vccv or vcv?

The word "shuttle" is broken down into VCCV (consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel) pattern. The two consonants "sh" are separated by the double "t" in the middle.

Is entry a vccv a vcv or a vcccv word?


Does butcher has the vccv pattern?

No, the word "butcher" does not follow the VCCV pattern. It is a two-syllable word with the stress on the first syllable (BUT-cher), making it a VC/CV pattern.

Is subject a vccv?

Yes. By definition a VCCV word had two syllables with a pattern of Vowel-Consonant-Consonat- Vowel in the middle. An additional constraint is that the break into two syllables occurs after the first consonant.

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