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It is capitalized when it forms part of the proper noun or when it precedes a person's name or when it is used as a direct address.


Elder Roy

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Should the word church be capitalized when writing at the back of the church?

No, church would not be capitalized in "at the back of the church."

Should the word elder be capitalized?

It depends on the context. If "elder" is used as a formal title before a name or as part of a proper noun, then it should be capitalized. For example, "Elder John Smith."

Do you capitalize the word church?

Yes, the word "Church" is typically capitalized when referring to a specific church or the Christian church in general. However, it is not capitalized when used in a general sense (e.g., "the local church").

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Yes, when referring to a specific religious institution or an organized body of believers, the word "Church" is typically capitalized. However, if referring to a general building or place of worship, it does not need to be capitalized.

Should the word Catholic be capitalized in an essay?

Yes, "Catholic" should be capitalized when referring to the Catholic Church or Catholicism as it is a proper noun.

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Yes, the word "bishop" should be capitalized when referring to a specific person's title or role in the context of a church or religion, such as "Bishop John." If used more generically or descriptively, it does not need to be capitalized, as in "The bishop led the service."

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If you are referencing yourself, "i" should always, always, always be capitalized. Me = I. When referring to yourself, the "i" should be capitalized even if it is not at the beginning of the sentence. Example: Dave and I went to the store. Remember, just because a word has the letter "i" in it does not mean that the "i" should be capitalized. Example: She used It. (wrong) She used it. (right) The "i" is capitalized only when referring to yourself. In other words, when "I" means "me" or yourself.

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Yes, "Baptist" should be capitalized when referring to the religious denomination or a specific Baptist church.

Should the word Catholicism be capitalized in an essay?

If you are talking about the faith of the Catholic Church, yes.

Should the word Mass be capitalized?

Yes, the word "Mass" should be capitalized when referring to the religious service in the Catholic Church.

Should cathedral be capitalized?

No When referring to the Catholic Church or to a person who practices Catholicism, the word is always capitalized. However, when the word is used as an adjective meaning 'universal' it is not capitalized.