

Is the word homework a noun?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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10y ago

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Yes, the word homework is a noun, a common, uncountable, noun; a word for work assigned to do at home, a word for a thing.

The definition of noun is a person, place, thing, or idea; HOMEWORK falls into the category of thing.

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Q: Is the word homework a noun?
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Is homework a noun or a verb?

Homework is a noun. Ex:I am doing my homework.Go do your homework.You have homework tonight.It is a noun because it is a thing YEY.

Is homework an abstract uncountable noun?

No, the noun 'homework' is simply a common, compound, abstract noun, a word for a thing.A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole. The collective noun for homework is a slew of homework.The noun 'homework' is an uncountable noun called an aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.

Is homework a action verb?

No, homework is not a verb. The word homework is a noun, an uncountable, common, compound, abstract noun, a word for a thing.

What is the plural form of the word homework?

The collective noun for the noun 'homework' is a slew of homework.

What type of noun is the word homework?

The noun 'homework' is a common, compound, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for a form of study or preparation; a word for a concept.

Is the word homework a noncount noun?

Yes, the noun 'homework' is an uncountable noun, an aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.

What is the noun in this sentence I hate this lame homework?

The noun in the sentence is homework, a word for a thing.

Is Homework noun?

Yes, the noun 'homework' is a common noun, a word for any kind of homework or anyone.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing: Shakespeare, Brazil, Coca Cola.Yes, homework is a common noun.

Is homework common noun?

Yes, the noun 'homework' is a common noun, a word for any kind of homework or anyone.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing: Shakespeare, Brazil, Coca Cola.Yes, homework is a common noun.

Is homework a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'homework' is a common noun, a word for any kind of homework or anyone.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing: Shakespeare, Brazil, Coca Cola.Yes, homework is a common noun.

Why homework is uncountable?

The noun 'homework' is an uncountable noun because it's a form of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.Units of homework are expressed in amounts, such as some homework, a lot of homework, too much homework, etc.

Is the word NO an adverb or a pronoun?

The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun, not a pronoun.Examples:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)