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Q: Is the word river bank one word?
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river bank

What is the Kannada translation of the English word Bank?

daDa: river bank sangha: money bank

Is river bank a verb or noun?

The term river bank is an open compound noun, made from the noun river and the noun bank, put together to form a word with its own meaning.

Is branch mass noun or count noun?

The word 'branch' is a count noun; one tree branch, two tree branches; one bank branch, four bank branches; a river branch, several river branches.

What is word for bank in marathi?

A Bank (economics) is called Pathpedhi in marahti. River Bank is called Nadi Kaath.

Latin word for bank?

Bank (a mound of earth) = Pulviuus Bank (of a river) = Ripa Bank (for money) = Argentaria

What bank never has any money?

River bank

Why one bank of a river is slightly higher than the other bank?

Over time, erosion and sediment deposition can cause one bank of a river to become slightly higher than the other. Factors such as the direction of the river's flow, the type of rocks and sediments in the area, and human activities can also contribute to this elevation difference.

What is the meaning of the word Birrarung?

The name of the Birrarung River might be derived from the Wurudjeri word for 'ever flowing'. It might also mean 'mist' or 'river bank'.

Where do fish keep their money?

in a bank lake r a lake bank but it is a joke

What does bank mean regarding a river?

A bank regarding a river means sides of land. Example sentences: The Native American Indians named The Monongahela River in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania because that word means "falling sides". The steep banks had coal seams visible that fell into the river waters. One bank of the creek was steep and rocky, while the other bank was grassy and wet. The dog ran down the bank and slid across the pond. When he stopped, he raced back and climbed the bank, before running down and sliding again. Trees grow almost sideways out of some river banks.

How can you use the word slithered in a sentence?

I slithered down the muddy bank of Indus river.