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AC refers to electrical current, so I think you mean AD (Anno Domini, "In the Year of the Lord").

There is no gap at all between dates Before Christ (BC) and dates AD. Nor is there any year 0 to be deducted, as one lunatic Evangelist minister recently claimed.

The sequence would run like this:

5 BC, 4 BC, 3 BC, 2 BC, 1 BC, 1 AD, 2 AD, 3 AD and so on.

The years AD are reckoned from a presumed date of birth of Christ, not from the date of his death. The presumed birth date is probably incorrect, but that is not relevant to the calculations of the Gregorian calendar.

So the calculations of numbers of years are extremely simple: the number of years between 256 BC and 2011 AD (for example) are 256 + 2011 = 2267.


Actually, there are 33 years between the B.C. and A.D. calendars. I am still trying to figure out what it was called. i think it was O.D. or something? I know I've heard it before. I do not know if it is documented in something significant like an atlas, but I do know, for sure, that there were 33 years between B.C. and A.D. date records.

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6mo ago

No, there is no 33-year gap between BC and AC. The transition from BC (Before Christ) to AD (Anno Domini) occurs directly without any missing years. The calendar goes from 1 BC to 1 AD.

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