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It depends on how long you have it paused, really. Usually for me, it takes about a week for it to become an adult, but I pause it every day that I am at school! I have an idea, experiment! Wait for a long school vacation, like spring break or summer vacation, or any time you have off of school! Keep your Tamagotchi with you and paused at all times! Record the date and time of when you started the experiment! Every time that your Tama grows older, record the time and date! When your Tamagotchi turns to an adult, write down the time and date, and compare it to the time for when you started the experiment! That should be how long it takes!


ANSWER 2: It becomes a child about 1-3 hours after it's born.

It becomes a teen when it's 1 years old.

It becomes an adult when it is 3 years old.

the match maker will come when it's about 6 or 7 years old.

That only happens if you dont pause it. if you do pause it, it will not get older.

Also if you decide not to get married it should turn into an old person at about 10 years old...

So, ya! hope that ansers your question!!

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14y ago
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12y ago

I'm not sure about you , but i can make my tamagotchi become an adult just by letting it evolve???

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11y ago

I think if you change the time to one minute before the time your tamagotchi evolves at, it will evolve after one minute.....I think.

Sorry if I'm wrong..

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15y ago

well u cant reall y cHANGE FROM A BABY INYTO AN ADULT so dont bother trying u cant i have 5 tamagotchis and iv tried on all of them but it wont work

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well yes just put in tamagotchi life

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Yes, just wait for the Matchmaker to come, usually after 24 hours of them being an adult.

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you either have to wait or you can debug it. but you can only debug an American version tamagotchi.

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the code will apear in your tamagotchi screen when your tamagothci turns into an adult

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If your tamagotchi is a baby,child,teenager,or a senior, its impossible for your tamagotchi to get married. But if it is an adult the match maker will come when your tamagotchi is is 6 or 5 years old.

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In about 48-72 hours.

Why wont it let my tamagotchi v4.5 go on a plane trip I have a ticket?

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