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To many, it is considered the devil's toy.

The purpose of an ouija board is to contact the dead. It is believed that each ouija board is possessed by a different spirit. Some have tried to summon a loved one who passed away, which isn't possible. So, there might possibly be a curse, or there might not, it really depends on how much you believe in spirits, since there aren't any facts that say the ouija board is or isn't possessed by a curse.

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The words "spelled out" by a Ouija board are spelled out by the people using the boards. Either consciously or subconsciously, they are moving it to make actual words, not gibberish. When someone is using the board blindfolded, no words are consistently formed.

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What does a ouija board look like?

Most Ouija boards are made of cardboard or wood. They can be elaborately decorated or just letters and numbers on a piece of paper. Traditionally, the Ouija Board is laid out on wood, and decorated up with different symbols such as the sun and moon. It has the full alphabet laid out in order, with the words yes and no usually in the top corners, and the words Hello and Goodbye in the bottom corners. It also has numbers from 0 to 9 under the alphabet.

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As Ouija is a combinations of the french and German words for "yes" (oui and ja) one could say it's pronounced wee-yah, as those two words are pronounced. Typically I've heard it pronounced as wee-jee, both by my friends and acquaintances, and in movies.

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The correct spellings are obscenity and obscenelanguage.(The plural noun is obscenities or curse words)

How do you read answers on a ouija board?

the answers are shown by a glass moving over a letter to spell a word, the answer hello means the spirit has joined your prescense and goodbye means the spirit has left. when focusing over the words male / female, it can be seen that the spirit is as shown; male / female. however when the words are viewed, and it becomes apparent that the words do not make sense in english, this could mean that either a spirit is playing a trick and not positioning the glass correctly. or maybe the spirit could not spell when they were alive, and they cant spell so well now.

Who created the ouija board?

the ouija board was invented in 1874 by two girls who claimed to be haunted. the two girls were experiencing paranormal events in there home by a man who had died of spanish influenza. they would hear taping sounds in the walls and when the girls would clap it would clam in responce. they later discovered the skelleton of the man in there walls. they later traveled to Mississippi and there they created the first ouija board. thus spiritualism was born. many who thought they were mediums began expirementing with the board and a decade later sceances were created. they were the first spiritualists in history.

What word mean to say spell?

Several words can fit here. Cast, enchant, or curse would all work.

Why do Harry Potter books spell curse words?

Because it is reading material. Instead of someone speaking to you, you have to read it to understand.

Does hotline bling have curse words?

No it does not have curse words

How do you talk on a Ouija board with only one person?

Talk in Ouija board parlance is a figure of speech! they do not make vocal sounds. they have a pointer or planchet which is used to spell out words, etc again at a very low contact speed of one letter at a time. ( small wonder one such contactee bore the appropriate name of Patience Worth. Can you imagine how long it would take to transcribe even a lengthy magazine article in this slow fashion? The board does not talk any more than a typewriter or printing machine does, in fact it does not even produce printed hard-copy. leave this occult device- alone.

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no there are no curse words except crap