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YES... its called adderal, Dexedrine, and some other pill. They're all prescribed and they dont really work that well. I would recommend getting the real stuff (powder). There is also speed in pill forms that look like ecstacy. They usually have a smily face on it or some kind of wierd design but you can always tell what they look like. That stuff is more powerful but harder to find.

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A pharmaceutical amphetamine in tablet form that used to be dispensed as a slimming aid when they didn't know any better was Dexies MidNight Runners, Dexies or their proper name (If I remember correctly) was Dextro-Amphetamine?

Round, white tablets of which the consumption of two (2) would see you either up most of the night or having a very busy day :)

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Q: Is there a pill form of the drug speed?
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Is speed in a pill form?

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What is and amphetamine?

An amphetamine is a drug commonly know as Speed and highly illegal in the U.S. Caffeine is also considered a drug but is not illegal, can be bought in pill form in stores, and is usually in drinks such as tea, coffee and many soft drinks.

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An amphetamine is a drug commonly know as Speed and highly illegal in the U.S. Caffeine is also considered a drug but is not illegal, can be bought in pill form in stores, and is usually in drinks such as tea, coffee and many soft drinks.

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This is usually the pill shaped form of Ecstasy. It is definitely not medication, this is a street drug. I would not advise you to take any.

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This is a drug that can be drank or eaten or swallowed in pill form.

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"Anesthesia" does not come in pill form - it is an intravenous drug (or sometimes a gas). You may be thinking of a "sedative", some of which do come in pill form, but is very different to anesthesia.

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The drug MDX is most commonly known as ecstasy. This drug, taken in pill form, gives the user a feeling of euphoria. This drug also can make a person very thirsty.

What are the parts of the drug ecstasy?

It is a derivative of the amphetamine family and a relative of the stimulant methamphetamine. Taken in pill form, it has a chemical relationship to the psychedelic drug mescaline.

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