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Yes, but the planet's density also plays a role.

Yes, but the planet's density also plays a role.

Yes, but the planet's density also plays a role.

Yes, but the planet's density also plays a role.

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Yes, but the planet's density also plays a role.

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Q: Is there a relationship between planet size and weight?
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Weight on different planets is affected by both size and composition. The size of a planet determines its gravitational pull, so your weight on a smaller planet would be less than on a larger one. The composition of a planet also plays a role, as denser planets have a stronger gravitational force, resulting in higher weight. For example, you would weigh less on a smaller, less dense planet like Mars compared to the larger, more dense Earth.

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Jupiter. Its weight is roughly 2.5 times the size of all the other planets in our solar system combined.

Relationship between the size and weight of an object and the amount of friction that is present?

The physical size is unimportant - you can have a huge object that weighs less than a small one. The heavier the object is - the greater the friction.

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No, they are unrelated.

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