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Q: Is there actually a breed of bees that can kill you with their sting?
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Do sweat bees have stingers?

That is a good question. Sweat bees or as I called them when I was small "Jacks" do infact sting! Their stingers are small and sharp!The poison in the bee is strong(not enough to kill or sicken the preditor.)and best treated under the trement written in "do bumbe bees sting?".The stinger is a slight presure and a bad sting!

Do honey bees sting each other?

It can happen. They won't sting members of their own colony, but if bees from another colony try to enter the hive to steal the honey the guard bees will sting them. A newly-emerged queen will go around the hive looking for other queen cells. If she finds any she will sting through the cell walls to kill the developing queen inside them.

Can bees sting other bees?

Yes, they can -- and do!Bees entering the hive are checked by the guard bees to see whether they belong to that colony. If an unrecognized bee is carrying nectar or pollen and behaves in a submissive manner when challenged, more than likely it will be allowed in. If it is carrying nothing, or if it doesn't submit then it will be repelled. If it persists, the guard bees will sting it and kill it.

Do bees kill more people than snakes each year?

The excelent answer is that bees don't.They kill snakes so they can't destroy their hives.They only sting people when they are to close to a hive.They think you're trying to destroy their home.

Do bumble bees sting other bees?

In general, no. But there is a species of Bumble Bee called the Cuckoo Bumble Bee (Bombus vestalis) that is parasitic on existing nests, and will kill by stinging, the original queen.

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What is the percent of bees a year?

Bees are ugly scum who sting you in your sleep and kill you and your mutely/nainai and steel your wife and kids.

Do sweat bees have stingers?

That is a good question. Sweat bees or as I called them when I was small "Jacks" do infact sting! Their stingers are small and sharp!The poison in the bee is strong(not enough to kill or sicken the preditor.)and best treated under the trement written in "do bumbe bees sting?".The stinger is a slight presure and a bad sting!

Do honey bees sting each other?

It can happen. They won't sting members of their own colony, but if bees from another colony try to enter the hive to steal the honey the guard bees will sting them. A newly-emerged queen will go around the hive looking for other queen cells. If she finds any she will sting through the cell walls to kill the developing queen inside them.

Can bees sting other bees?

Yes, they can -- and do!Bees entering the hive are checked by the guard bees to see whether they belong to that colony. If an unrecognized bee is carrying nectar or pollen and behaves in a submissive manner when challenged, more than likely it will be allowed in. If it is carrying nothing, or if it doesn't submit then it will be repelled. If it persists, the guard bees will sting it and kill it.

How does a bee defend itself?

if you would get to close to a hive many of the bees woulde probably try to sting you.bee stings don't kill people except for killer bees which only live in some parts of Africa. if you are allergic to bee stinge it may kill you if it is not taken care of quickly.but it is very fatal... if your a bee,so bees don't want to sting you but they will if they think you are a threat to the hive. It stings its attacker and releases a neurotoxin that hurts the animal. The bee then subsequently dies as they can only sting once.

How many honey bees does it take to kill a 9 year old in under 1 minute?

It really depends on the child and the bees. People can be killed by just one sting.

Do bees kill more people than snakes each year?

The excelent answer is that bees don't.They kill snakes so they can't destroy their hives.They only sting people when they are to close to a hive.They think you're trying to destroy their home.

Do bumble bees sting other bees?

In general, no. But there is a species of Bumble Bee called the Cuckoo Bumble Bee (Bombus vestalis) that is parasitic on existing nests, and will kill by stinging, the original queen.

Do bees know you killed one of them?

Yes, if you kill a bee by squashing and venom is released. Bee venom contains a pheromone, called the alarm pheromone, which when released attracts other bees prepared to sting.

How do bees protect their hive?

Bees are well known for their stings, and if they think that you're doing any harm to them they are definitely going to sting you to protect themselves!

Will soapy water kill africanized honey bees?

In sufficient quantities soapy water will kill any bee because it will drown. It makes no difference whether they are africanized or not. There has been a lot of fear drummed up about africanized bees by the sensationalist media. They look no different from a European honey bee and their sting is no worse. The problem is they are far more defensive and sting more readily.

Does the queen bees sting hurt more than other bees?

This is hard to answer. First queen bees do not normally leave the hive and thus rarely have the opportunity to sting humans. Normally a queen only users her stinger to kill other queens to eleminate competition. A queens stinger has no barb. Female worker bees that defend the hive have barbed stingers. Their stingers pull free from the bee, remain in the skin and even work further in. And, their stinger continues to release venom after it is detached from the bee. Since a queen's stinger is smooth (no barb) this allows it to be kept after a sting and thus she can sting multiple times.