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If you mean the appliance that heats water before it comes out of the water tap, there are several: the most common being the tank water heater (usually installed in a basement, heater closet or other central location near the water main) and the inline on-demand heater (usually installed very close to the faucet). If you mean the water after it is in the bathtub, there are a wide variety of submersible water heaters of varying power ratings. There are also spa type and hottub additions to bathtubs that force water jets through the tub while it heats the water, the ones I have seen are about as expensive as a small hottub.

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Q: Is there an appliance to heat bath water?
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Why do we have to heat the test tube in a 45 degree manner?

If you heat the test tube from the bottom, any liquid can turn into a gas. ... Heating the tube at an angle reduces the pressure on the heated substances again allowing the gases to escape harmless into the air.

How are heat and temperature different?

Temperature is the measure of how much heat energy something has. Just like distance is the measure of how far apart two points are. 0 degrees centigrade for example is the point at which water freezes whereas 100 degrees is the boiling point of water. So a warm bath tub may have a lower temperature than a candle flame, but it has more heat energy stored in it overall because it would take a lot of candles to heat up a bath tub.

Temperature related to saponification value?

Heat the flask on a steam bath.

What unit of measure would you use to measure the water in a bath?

1. Fill bath half way 2. Mark the level of the water with a marker pen (line A) 3. Get into the bath 4. Completely submerge yourself into the water, get someone to mark the level of the water with you still completely submerged (line B) 5. Get out of the bath 6. The water level should have gone down back to line A 7. Using a mesuring jug, fill the bath until it has reached line B.. keeping count of the amount of water you've added. 8. The amount of water you added is your body volume :)

A 34.44-g sample of metal is heated to 98.6 degrees Celsius in a hot water bath until thermal equilibrium is reached What is the specific heat of the metal?

Heat lost by the metal = heat gained by the water. Heat gained by the water = 50.0 g x 4.184 J/g K x (28.3-22.2) = 1276 J Heat lost by metal = 1276 J = 34.44 g x Sp Heat x (98.6 - 28.3) Specific Heat = 1276 J / 2421 g K = 0.527 J/g K

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What is a water heater?

A water heater is a household appliance that heats water for various purposes like bathing, washing dishes, or doing laundry. It typically uses electricity, gas, or solar power to heat the water before distributing it through the house's plumbing system.

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How do you heat bath water with a heating element?

To heat bath water with a heating element, you can either use an immersion heater that is placed directly in the water or a water heater with a coil that heats the water as it passes through. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe and efficient operation.

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The reason that the temperature in an ice bath remains constant for several minutes after placing a beaker in a warm water bath, is that it takes water longer to heat. The cold water will not heat up right away because the energy hasn't transferred.

Why water bath is used to heat naphthalene?

To stop it from blowing up.

Would a kettle of water or a bath water be hotter?

A kettle of water typically reaches a higher temperature than bath water, as kettles are designed to heat water quickly. The water in a bath is usually at a comfortable temperature for bathing, which is lower than the boiling point of water in a kettle.

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your body is cold because the air around you is colder than the water in a shower or bath unless you are taking a hot bath.---------------------AND when water evaporates it absorbs heat, taking that heat away from you.

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water has a high specific heat, meaning it stores a lot of heat energy.

Purpose of water bath at 65 degrees Celsius?

To heat whatever is in it to 65 C.

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the explanation for this is to d with the latent heat of water.

Does heat affect bath salts?

no cause in isreal, they have HUGE salt bath things in the water and the water is HOT!! Just don't put in a lot or else you'll float.