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One use would be to decrease your IQ, useful for patient suffering from rapid cycling. If you are considering suicide, ecstasy may be an assistance in that it alters your behavior; your risk taking judgment is reduced resulting in STD's, accidents major and minor, and thus could be considered a drug useful for the suicidal patient that is to scared to actually do it.

An other medical use is sex on ex, it truly could be considered a spiritual experience. The price is high. Ex releases all your happy neuron chemicals, and you will lack noradrenalin, serotonin, and dopamine for 2-4 days and you'll be physically and psychologically hurting, depressed, anxious, aggressive and even suicidal.

If medicine is healing, then Ex, in my opinion, has no true value per se. If you need to get high, used some opiate based substance, or better yet pot, and not regularly, this will at least not deplete your brain of its valuable chemicals, and will make you just as hooked.

In conclusion, the medical uses of Ex is to make you ready for rehab, which will be a medical use / need. Its use is to get you sick, so someone can make money on trying to make you better. The Medical used has been established. But then again you are stimulating the economy form the purchase from the dealer to the undertaker after your x-th relapses - and all those helpful, but expensive people, in between this short, painful life.

Stay away from ex - you will destroy your mind. I have seen it. And it does not take much.Sports have similar effects, and you'll are more likely to stay healthy. Do you have what it takes to get hooked on sports? 2-3 weeks regular boring exercise? I dare you. In the Army i learned all about the runner high - best high there is. Because it is yours alone, you earned it.

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How can you pass a blood test with ecstasy in your blood?

The best and only answer is to not use ecstasy or any other illegal drug and you will be sure to pass any blood test for drugs.

What are the risks of taking ecstasy with antibiotic's?

It depends on which antibiotic and your medical condition... Some antibiotics have cardiac toxicity (might cause heart diseases) and this condition might be exacerbated by the use of cardiac stimulant (incl. ecstasy)

Does ecstasy pills have myth in them?

No ecstasy does not contain any "myth". However it is possible for them to contain METH!

How do you use ecstasy in a sentence?

My wife was in ecstasy after eating a piece of her favorite dark chocolate. OR The charges brought against the defendant are possession of the narcotic ecstasy.

Can ecstasy cause memory impair?

There is evidence that ecstasy use, especially chronic use, can impair user's ability to recall and memorize information.

How does dopamine in ecstasy effect your behavior?

Dopamine in ecstasy can lead to increased feelings of pleasure, euphoria, and social bonding. This can result in increased risk-taking behavior, heightened impulsivity, and decreased inhibitions. However, prolonged use of ecstasy can deplete dopamine levels, causing mood disturbances and cognitive impairments.

What is Mercedes ecstasy laced with?

Almost every ecstasy pill is different. Any dealer could get any press stamp and put whatever they want in it.

How do you use ecstacy in a sentence?

In the first ecstasy of delight I felt her tremble in every limb.

Does mdpv have ecstasy in it and is it legal?

MDPV is a completely different and separate chemical from ecstasy (MDMA), and is schedule I (no legal use) in the US