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Sometimes it does. Ecstasy (MDMA) pills are usually cut with (mixed with) another drug or drugs, usually speed (some form of amphetamine or methamphetamine), but sometimes ketamine (Special K), cocaine, heroin, or some other form of opiate.


Heroin is an opioid, where as ecstacy otherwise known as MDMA is classified as an amphetamine. Opioids are most commonly used in treatment of pain, where as MDMA hightens sences and makes the user more aware of surroundings. So basically no :-) ---- Heroin has been detected in ecstasy pills before. However, that is very rare since it is not a cost-effective cut.


yeah. ecstasy is sometimes cut with amphetamines and methamphetamines more then special k. ecstasy is NEVER cut with cocaine. it just wouldn't be a lucrative cut. as far as heroin, once or twice in a two year period that might happen. but it's extremely rare.


Ecstasy is cut with cocaine sometimes. I've taken pills with coke in them. Just because it's not cost-effective, doesn't mean it is never done. As the second answer says, "Heroin has been detected in Ecstasy pills before. However, that is very rare since it is not a cost-effective cut."

If heroin has been found in Ecstasy -- and I know it has, because I've also taken E pills with heroin in them -- even though it is not cost-effective, then why would it be any different with cocaine?


listen. the chances of you getting a pill that has heroin in it is very slim. these people probalby didn't have their pill lab tested so they don't know what they are talking about. heroin is not really a cut used in ecstasy. check out the related link and see the results.


I don't understand why some of you seem to be having a problem telling the difference between the word "rare" and the word "impossible." Putting heroin and cocaine in Ecstasy -- as you just said YOURSELF -- is RARE. RARE, not impossible.

And please don't tell me I don't know what the effects of cocaine and heroin feel like. I've done enough cocaine and heroin to kill a pack of elephants. Actually, I'm still taking Suboxone for my heroin addiction. I know what these drugs feel like. I'm not some 14 year-old from the middle of nowhere who can't tell marijuana from catnip. I was a heavy drug user for years, all my friends were heavy drug users, and some of them were actually drug DEALERS. That's where I got most of my Ecstasy from, actually. My friends who were dealing it. don't know ANYTHING about me. So I don't understand why you seem to think you know more about my drug use than I do.

And I don't really understand this "cost-effectiveness" argument. If you're putting expensive drugs like cocaine and heroin in your Ecstasy, then you'll just charge more for it. I'll admit I don't know if the coke and heroin E-pills I took were more expensive, since I got them free. But I would asssume that, if you put more expensive ingredients in your Ecstasy, you're going to charge more for it. And if people complain about the price...well, they'll probably stop complaining once you tell them it's got coke or heroin in it!

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No they are comepletely diffeent drugs. The only thing they have in common is they are deadly, addictive and sometimes ecstacy has a little heroin added to it.


The above answer is wrong. Ecstasy is not addictive in the medical sense. Like anything it can be habit forming but it is no more addictive than lollipops. Heroin is a very useful drug, and is used in medicine as a powerful painkiller. However due to dangerous methods of ingestion and its highly addictive nature it can become a major risk when used recreationally. I don't think ecstasy has ever had heroin added to it, I would be money on it.

To answer you question:

Heroin and Ecstasy are very different drugs.

Heroin is a opiate drug, in the same family as morphine, codeine, tramadol and black tar. Although it is (subjectively) more powerful and addictive that many of those. It is commonly injected into the users veins, although it can be taken orally or smoked.

Ecstasy originally referred to the drug MDMA or a similar substance such as MDA. It usually comes in pill or crystal form. In recent years an number of research chemicals and MDMA analogues have flooded the market such as 6-APB, drone and MDIA. More often than not these research chemicals are what you'll find in your pills.

I would recommend you check out erowid or the gooddrugsguide for non-biased information of drugs.

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14y ago

Well some pills are cut with heroin. Pretty muc all thizzles are cut with something, whether it be speed, meth, heroin, cocaine, etc. You have to be careful when doing ecstacy because of this. Use or ask around and see if any of your friends have tried the pill to see if its clean.

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14y ago

Sometimes, yes. Ecstasy (MDMA) pills are usually cut with (mixed with) another drug or drugs, usually speed (some form of amphetamine or methamphetamine), but sometimes ketamine (Special K), cocaine, heroin, or some other form of opiate.

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10y ago

Since ecstasy is illegal it may have everything in it, but theoretically ecstasy is a term, wich refers to either MDMA or MDMA + other stimulant drug (example amphetamine) none of which are opiates.

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