

Is there evaporation in space

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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You could find the phenomenon of evaporation in space, when comets approach the sun (which most comets never do, but which some do). Technically, it is really sublimation rather than evaporation, since the ice in comets becomes vapor without ever going through a liquid phase. Otherwise it would be unusual to find evaporation in space. There are no liquids to evaporate.

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Why is cooling always cause evaporation?

Cooling does not cause evaporation. Warming does. This is because as the air warms up, there's more space for water vapor in it. Water evaporates and turns into water vapor to fill this space.

Is water on earth ever lost in space to say evaporation?

Water on earth is never lost in space; vapors are condensed and transformed in rains and snow.

Evaporation is faster when?

Evaporation is faster when the temperature is higher, the surface area exposed to air is larger, and the air is less humid. These factors contribute to increased energy transfer, more space for water molecules to escape, and a greater driving force for evaporation.

When the evaporation rate equals the condensation rate the space above the liquid is?

When the evaporation rate equals the condensation rate, the space above the liquid is in a state of dynamic equilibrium, where molecules are constantly transitioning between the liquid and gas phases but there is no overall change in concentration.

When the temperature of the air decreases the rate of evaporation?

When the temperature of the air decreases, the rate of evaporation also decreases. This is because colder air has less energy to facilitate the evaporation process.

When the temperature of the air decreases the rate of evaporation decreases?

Air is already in evaporated state(gas) . however the rate of evaporation decreases in the sense its volume decreases(less space is occupied by the molecules)

Where does most evaporation in the global water cycle occur?

The Atmosphere

When does evaporation takes place?

When the molecules of liquids don't have enough space to escape the heat, the liquid then evaporated in the air.

How does evaporation in a closed container differ from evaporation in an open container?

In a closed container, the water vapor cannot escape into the surrounding air, so the rate of evaporation decreases as the space becomes saturated. In an open container, the water vapor can escape into the surrounding air, allowing for continuous evaporation as long as there is a difference in vapor pressure between the liquid and the air.

How does increase in temperature surface area wind speed affect evaporation?

An increase in temperature will generally increase the rate of evaporation. A larger surface area will also enhance evaporation by providing more space for liquid to vaporize. Higher wind speeds can accelerate evaporation by removing the saturated air from the surface, allowing more water molecules to escape into the air.

What is necessary for evaporation to occur?

For evaporation to occur, there must be heat energy available to increase the kinetic energy of the liquid molecules so they can escape into the air as vapor. Additionally, there should be an open space for the vapor to escape into the atmosphere.

Are necessary for evaporation to occur?

Three main factors are necessary for evaporation to occur: heat energy, a source of water, and an open space for the water molecules to escape into the air. Heat energy provides the necessary kinetic energy for water molecules to break free from the liquid. Without these factors, evaporation cannot take place.