

Is there horse pee in coke?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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It's possible.

Yes many horses like Coke or any soda because it is sweet. That being said soda of any kind is not good for horses as it contains lots of sugar and chemicals in it that can harm the horse. It's best to stick to fruit juices and horse specific treats.

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12y ago

no there is no horse pee in coke unless you want it and you put it in yourself

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yes it can only if you add pee in it

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Of course it isn't! Beer is water, yeast, malt and hops. A better definition would be yeast pee, as the alcohol is what is evacuated by the yeast after eating the sugar in the malt.

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No, but a drug called Premarin is. Premarin is short for PREgnant MARes urINe.

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Nothing is wrong with the horse. If you look at spots where dogs and other animals pee on the grass, the grass dies there too. If your seriously worried you can call a vet.

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What is horse urine?

Mares kinda squat to pee out their vulvas. Stallions and geldings pee out where their penis is, which is between their legs. Often the penis protrudes when they take a leak, sending a jet of urine to the spot between their back and forelegs.

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