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I would assume the expression thin and thick blood would have to relate to how quickly it coagulates. It should make no difference on average although the tendency that the existing uric acid has to crystallize the cause of gout is reduced by putting more water into the system.

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Q: Is there less uric acid in your blood if your blood is thinner or thicker?
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Is the walls of a artery thicker than a vein?

Veins have thin walls because blood that flows through them is usually low in pressure while the blood that flows through the arteries are usually of high pressure. The walls are thick to prevent bursting.

How uric acid decrease?

If you need to decrease the uric acid in your blood, that is done by eating less protein. Uric acid is a byproduct of protein digestion.

How are anticoagulants used to treat heart disease?

They are also called blood thinners. But that may give the wrong impression because the blood does not actually become thinner in viscosity; it just has less of a tendency to clot.

Thin wires have a what resistance to electron flow than do thicker wires?

Thin wires have a greater resistance rhan thick wires. Imagine a straw. The thinner the straw. the less liquid can get through. Wires work the same way.

Is the right ventricle muscular walls thicker than the left?

No. The wall of the left ventricle is much thicker. The left ventricle pumps blood through the systemic circuit, which travels though the entire body, excluding the lungs, returning to the right atrium. This requires overcoming the various resistance factors within the blood vessels including, but not limited to, distance traveled by the blood, gravity, and vessels with a narrow radius. To generate the necessary pressure, the muscle, or "wall" of the left ventricle, is much thicker, and therefore much stronger. The right ventricle pumps blood through the pulmonary circuit (to the lungs and back to the left atrium) which is much shorter and less complex, and therefore requires much less pressure and far less muscle.

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Is the walls of a artery thicker than a vein?

Veins have thin walls because blood that flows through them is usually low in pressure while the blood that flows through the arteries are usually of high pressure. The walls are thick to prevent bursting.

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Millions. Usually. You have less hair if your hair is thinner, you have more hair if your hair is thicker.

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The right side of the heart ventricle is thicker because it contains more muscle since it has to pump blood through the whole body. The right ventricle is thinner because it has less mucle since it only has to pump blood to the left ventricle which is only a few inches away.

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Due to the less space available for the electrons to travel across the thinner wire.

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Turpentine is a hydrocarbon that is less dense than water, therefore given equivalent volumes it would be lighter.

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