

Is there nitric acid in explosives?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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yes there is

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Q: Is there nitric acid in explosives?
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What does an industrial chemist use to produce fertilizers and explosives?

Nitric Acid.

Is there any Use of nitric acid in nuclear explosives?

Nitric acid may or may not have been used in making the chemical explosives, depending on the types of explosive usedNitric acid is one of the solvents used in uranium and plutonium chemical processing and refining (so is sulfuric acid and several organic solvents)

The name of HNO3 is?

The chemical name of HNO3 is nitric acid

What does nitrochloroanthraquinones mean?

Nitrochloroanthraquinones is a highly flammable material made by treating cellulose with concentrated nitric acid, used to make explosives and celluloid.

Nitric acid reacts with nitric acid?

No, it does not

What is the source of nitric acid?

it is nitric and acid

In what form does nitric acid exist?

Nitric acid is just nitric acid. At room temperature, it is a liquid.

Is nitric acid a heterogeneous?

nitric acid is heterogeneous.

What is compound of H2NO3?

The composition of hno3 is HNO3 , with one hydrogen atom, one nitrogen atom, and three oxygen atoms. The name of this molecule is nitric acid. Refer to the related link for a structural formula of nitric acid.

What does gold plus nitric acid yield to?

Just gold and nitric acid. Gold's impervious to nitric acid.

How many molecules of nitric acid are in 300 g of nitric acid?

The number of nitric acid molecules is 28,6723.10e23.

What is the periodic name for nitric acid?

The IUPAC name for nitric acid is "nitric acid." But its Periodic name is HNO3