

Is there such thing as hot air and cold air?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Yes. There is such thing as hot air and cold air

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Q: Is there such thing as hot air and cold air?
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Air is cold or hot?

Air can be either cold or hot.

Does hot and cold air fall or rise?

Hot air rises and cold air falls.

Does hot air move into cold air or does cold air move into hot air?

Both. Since hot air is less dense than cold air, the hot air rises as the cold air falls (i.e. as the cold air displaces the hot air). If you were to dye hot air & then inject it into the center of a room, you would observe the dyed hot air rising. What you may not realize is that gravity draws the (invisible) surrounding dense cold air downwards as it displaces the (visible) less dense dyed hot air. === Previous Posters Answer: Hot air rises

Why is warm air lighter than cold air?

Warm air is lighter than cold air because cold air is denser, by dense I mean the particles in cold air are more packed together than it is in warm air. Therefore cold air is heavier which is why warm/hot air always floats above cold air (same thing with hot/warm and cold water). That is why warm/hot air is lighter than cold air.That's the reason why a hot air balloon only goes up when there's something producing hot air (like fire for example), and the only reason it goes back down is if you put out the fire. Remember this only happens because Hot water/air is less dense than cold air which makes it lighter.

What is the difference in hot and cold air particles?

what is the diffrence in hot and cold air particles

Why does heat rise and how does cold drop?

Cold air is compact air Hot air is less dense than cold air Ergo, hot air rises ; cold air sinks

Hot air rises cold air sink?

technically hot air does not really rise it is the cold air that sinks below it because it is more dense.

Why does cold air have a higher density than warm air?

Yes, cold air has a higher density than hot air, and that is why hot air balloons rise, it rises above the cold air. hot air is less dense than cold air^

What is hot and cool air?

hot is hot cool air is cold

Is there a difference in weight between hot air and cold air?

No. Cold air is more dense than hot air.

What kind gas is used in hot air balloon?

No Gas Just hot air which is why it is called a hot air balloon. If you were wondering hot air is lighter than cold air which makes it rise so when it is trapped inside the balloon the whole thing will rise.

Is a hot air balloon a thing?

the hot air ballon is a thing