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Q: Is this correct to write -Kindly find the updated file for Mashreq or to write attache the updated one?
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Is this grammar correct Kindly find the attached annual leave updated?

No this is not correct use of kindly

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"Could you kindly provide" is the correct phrase. The word "could" typically comes before the verb in English sentences.

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we request you to

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"Inquire" is not a transitive verb. Correct would be:"Kindly ask the driver for further assistance." or"Kindly inquire of the driver for further assistance."

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you are kindly requested to decide the matter?

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Kindly refer to the University website for accurate and updated news.

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Kindly let me know further update

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Kindly return after use. Please return after use. Both examples above seem to be correct grammar.

Is saying thank you very kindly correct?

if you like bacon, yes it is

Is this grammar correct please kindly find attached?

It would be grammatically correct to say: Please find the attached.... it does not make much sense to write both kindly and please since both almost mean the same.

What is correct grammar - You are requested to kindly decide the matter or you are kindly requested to decide the matter?

The proper way to say it would be the second one, "You are kindly requested to decide the matter." The first one says that they are requested to decide kindly, which doesn't mean the same thing at all.