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No! A alloy can be a number of different materials plus one or more metal. A pure metal like the element Cu copper does not have any other matter in it besides itself

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False. A pure metal contains only one type of metal atom, while an alloy is a mixture of two or more elements, which can include nonmetallic elements.

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Q: Is this statement true or false a pure metal like an alloy contains no nonmetallic elements?
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Is soil an alloy?

Specifically, in engineering terminology, an alloy is a mixture of two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements fused together so as to act as another metal to have an improved mechanical properties.In general sense, literally, soil is considered as an alloy(meaning a mixture) of all that is existing as Earth's crust.

What mixture of elements such as copper and zinc make brass is called?

The mixture of elements copper and zinc that make brass is called an alloy. Brass typically contains around 70-80% copper and 20-30% zinc, with small amounts of other elements added for specific properties.

Element with both metallic and nonmetallic properties?

One example of an element with both metallic and nonmetallic properties is silicon. Silicon is a metalloid that shares characteristics of both metals and nonmetals. It can conduct electricity like a metal but is brittle like a nonmetal. Silicon is commonly used in electronic devices due to its semiconducting properties.

What is stainless steel an example of?

Stainless steel is an example of an alloy, which is a mixture of two or more elements, with one of them being a metal. In the case of stainless steel, it is primarily composed of iron and carbon, but also contains chromium, nickel, and other elements to give it its unique properties such as corrosion resistance and strength.

Brass is an alloy which contains...?

Brass is an alloy composed primarily of copper and zinc. The proportion of each metal can vary to create different types of brass with varying properties. Other elements such as lead, aluminum, or tin may also be added to further modify its characteristics.

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What type of element metallic or nonmetallic does an alloy contain at least one of?


Is a metal that contains other elements to give it specific properties?

A metal that contains other elements to give it specific properties is called an Alloy. Many metals can contain other elements to give the metal specific properties. Steel is an alloy of Iron and carbon. Stainless steels contain various other alloying elements such as Chromium and Nickel.

What is a mixture of elements that has the properties of a metal?

An alloy is a mixture of elements that has the properties of a metal. Alloys are typically made by combining a metal with one or more other elements to enhance specific characteristics such as strength, hardness, or resistance to corrosion. Examples of alloys include steel, bronze, and brass.

What number is bronze on the periodic table?

bronze is an alloy of the elemens copper and tin periodic table contains elements and not alloys.

Is soil an alloy?

Specifically, in engineering terminology, an alloy is a mixture of two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements fused together so as to act as another metal to have an improved mechanical properties.In general sense, literally, soil is considered as an alloy(meaning a mixture) of all that is existing as Earth's crust.

What mixture of elements such as copper and zinc make brass is called?

The mixture of elements copper and zinc that make brass is called an alloy. Brass typically contains around 70-80% copper and 20-30% zinc, with small amounts of other elements added for specific properties.

What is interstitial alloy?

An interstitial alloy is a type of metallic alloy that contains interstitial elements, which are small atoms or molecules that fit into spaces between the atoms of the host metal. These elements can occupy interstitial sites in the crystal lattice of the host metal, leading to changes in the properties and behavior of the alloy. Examples include steel, which is an interstitial alloy of iron and carbon.

What element is in ferrochromium?

The alloy Ferrochrome contains two elements: Iron (Fe) and Chromium (Cr). Ferrochrome usually contains between 50-70% Chromium. It has the chemical formula of FeCr.

Is bronze an element because it contains ane sort of atoms?

No, bronze is actually an alloy - a mixture of sorts, between the elements copper and tin.

What do you call metals that contain other elements mixed with them?

A metal that contains other elements to give it specific properties is called an Alloy. Many metals can contain other elements to give the metal specific properties. Steel is an alloy of Iron and carbon. Stainless steels contain various other alloying elements such as Chromium and Nickel.

Is Grade SAE1006 is alloy or non alloy steel?

SAE1006 is a low-carbon steel grade that is classified as non-alloy steel. It contains relatively low amounts of carbon and other alloying elements, making it suitable for applications where high strength and hardness are not critical factors.

What does metalloid mean?

A metalloid is an element that has both metallic and nonmetallic properties. When combined they form an alloy. Metalloids are usually semiconductors.