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Not unless it's scalding hot. Or if they want to pursue legal action and hire a good lawyer, who might be able to twist the story in their favor. But otherwise, regular lukewarm water probably wouldn't get you in legal trouble.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes. Assault.

Yeah it definitely is... I personally got charged with an assault, after throwing water in someone's face.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Can be considered assault & battery.

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Q: Is throwing urine on someone a crime?
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Someone who loves to read crime novels can be called a "mystery enthusiast" or a "crime fiction aficionado."

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There is insufficient information disclosed in the question to give a complete answer. Anything unlawful having to do with your mail, report it to the your local PostMaster and/or the US Postal Inspection Service.

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Someone with highly concentrated urine may be dehydrated, and fluids may help.

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