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No. It is not an adjective. An adjective describes something.

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Q: Is town an adjective
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Is the word south an adjective or adverb in the sentence The south side of town has a beautiful park?

It is an adjective, describing the noun "side."

Is town a action verb or linking verb?

The word 'town' is not a verb of any kind; the word 'town' is a noun, a word for a place. The word 'town' is also an adjective, a word to describe a noun, for example town government or town facilities.

Transit in a sentence with a wow adjective?

The town of Springfield ordered a dazzling monorail system.

Is afford an adjective?

It is a verb when used with an object. As in - the town can afford to repair the street. As an adjective, affordable

Is northern an adjective?

The word 'northern' is an adjective form of the noun north.The word 'north' also functions as an adjective.Examples:The town was established by people from northern Italy. (adjective)There are excellent ski areas in the north of Italy. (noun)The north road out of Milan will take you to Lake Como. (adjective)

Is develop a?

Yes develop is a verb, but like a lot of verbs it can be used as an adverb, adjective, etc. EX: The town is very developed -In this sentence the word is used as a adjective to describe a noun

Is marching an adjective?

It can be, depending on how you use it, for example: The marching band is going around town. (adjective) or it can be used as a verb: The children are marching around the backyard. It is mostly used as a verb, though.

How do you say new town in spanish?

Depending on the size of the town, you could say "Pueblo nuevo" or "Ciudad nueva". Note that "ciudad" is feminine, and the adjective describing it matches the gender.

What is an adjective for Stornoway?

Stornoway is an island town in Scotland. The proper adjective could be Stornowayan, which would also be the noun (demonym) for a resident. Adjectives that describe the location might include picturesque or historic.

How do you say town in Spanish?

Depending on the size of the town, you could say "Pueblo nuevo" or "Ciudad nueva". Note that "ciudad" is feminine, and the adjective describing it matches the gender.

What does the french word nicoise mean in English?

'niçoise' is the feminine adjective for 'originating from Nice', a town on the Mediterranean sea.

Is this an adverb?

It can be, when it modifies an adjective as in "I didn't think the water was this deep" where it is a non-specific reference to another non-specific modifier. The word is otherwise a pronoun ("This is Sparta!") or an adjective ("This town isn't big enough for both of us.")