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yes ultimate gohan is better than vegeta

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Q: Is ultimate gohan stronger than vegeta?
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Who is stronger among Vegeta Goku and Gohan?

According to DragonBall Z, it seems that overall, Goku is somewhat stronger than Vegeta and gohan is stronger than vegeta

Who is stronger broly or ultimate gohan?

Ultimate Gohan. Broly is only SSJ Tier. Gohan is even stronger than a SSJ3.

Who is stronger ssj2 gohan or ssj2 vegeta?

well that's tough to answer in my opinion it would be vegeta because vegeta is the exact same lvl as goku and goku is stronger than gohan therefor vegetas stronger

Who is stronger trunks or ultimate gohan?

Gohan is way stronger than Trunks.

Who is stronger Vegeta or Gohan?

Vegeta is actually Stronger, Its true that Gohan hit Super Saiyan 2 before anyone but that doesn't mean he is stronger than vegeta. Vegeta hit Super Saiyan 2 after the Cell games but he achieved it before becoming Majin Vegeta, During which he said to Goku "At least your stronger than your son was against Cell." which means Goku was stronger than Gohan and that means Vegeta was just as powerful also it is stated in the Dragon Ball Z series that Vegeta was the most powerful, second only to Goku. As for Gohan hitting Super Saiyan 4, he cannot. But Vegeta can't transform into a Super Saiyan 4 at will. So his transformations are actually up to Super Saiyan 2. But as for Gohan, the Elder Kai releases his deepest hidden powers, which make Gohan even stronger than a Super Saiyan 3. So actually Gohan is the stronger one.

Is ssj2 vegeta stronger than ssj2 gohan?

vegeta is stronger because vegeta trained in the hyperbolic time chamber for a long time and got very strong, by then he turned ssj2 and became even stronger. gohan is strong as a ssj2 but vegeta is the stronger one. when vegeta went majin vegeta he turned ssj2 for the first time.

Is ultimate gohan stronger than super buu?

depends if its with gotenks absorbs but gohan is stronger with super buu but is weaker than with gotenks absorbed

Who would win ultimate gohan or kid buu?

Ultimate Gohan, since he is stronger than SSJ Gotenks & SSJ3 Goku No, kid buu because he's like 50 times stronger than gohan buu, and it only took gotenks buu to beat him.

Who would win ultimate gohan or majuub?

a lot of people think it is majuub but it is actually gohan because mystic gohan is far stronger than SSJ3 Goku and SSj3 Goku is stronger than kid buu and majuub is a recarnation of kid buu and majin buu so ultimate gohan takes the cake.

Who is stronger goku ssj 3 or ultimate gohan?

gohan because goku ssj3 was same in powerlevel of fat buu and super buu is twice stronger than fat buu and gohan was beating super buu like anything so gohan mystic is stronger than goku ssj3.

Who would win Broly or ultimate gohan?

Most likely Ultimate Gohan due to him being one of the strongest characters in the anime, it's said that sometimes Gohan has the potential to even be stronger than Goku at times.

Is SSJ2 Gohan or Mystic Gohan stronger?

Mystic Gohan is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan.