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Q: Is unicode uses two bytes for each character rather than one byte?
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How many KB in one character?

A character in ASCII format requires only one byte and a character in UNICODE requires 2 bytes.

Does a character take up one byte of storage?

An ASCII character requires one byte of storage. A Unicode character requires between one and four bytes of storage, depending on the encoding format used.

Is a byte a single character?

In ASCII, EBCDIC, FIELDATA, etc. yes. However Unicode characters are composed of multiple bytes.

Character use only one byte why Java use two byte for character?

The number of bytes used by a character varies from language to language. Java uses a 16-bit (two-byte) character so that it can represent many non-Latin characters in the Unicode character set.

What size of space in a computer is used to hold a character?

1 byte (Unicode)

How many bits are in a Unicode character?

Depends on what you refer to as Unicode. Typically the ones you will see is UTF-8 which uses from up to one to three bytes per character (the two or three-byte characters are usually for characters used in various other languages that are not already covered under the ASCII codepage). Otherwise, the convention states that Unicode is UTF-16.

How many bits does a unicode character require?

only uses one byte (8 bits) to encode English characters uses two bytes (16 bits) to encode the most commonly used characters. uses four bytes (32 bits) to encode the characters.

What is a wyde?

A wyde is a unit of two-byte unsigned data, mostly used for a Unicode character.

How much is one MB?

1 MB (megabyte) equals 1048576 bytes. In most operating systems that are 32-bit, 1 ASCII character takes up 1 byte (8 bits). However, recently, the unicode system of character representation has upped the number of bytes required to represent alphabets of all popular languages in the world.

How many bits and bytes are required to store the word World contain?

That depends what encoding is used. One common (fairly old) encoding is ASCII; that one uses one byte for each character (letter, symbol, space, etc.). Some systems use 2 bytes per character. Many modern systems use Unicode; if the Unicode characters are stored as UTF-16 - a fairly common encoding scheme - many common characters will still use a single byte, while many special symbols (for example, accented characters) will take up two bytes. The number of bits is simply the number of bytes multiplied by 8.

Why does a character in Java take twice as much space to store as a character in C?

Different languages use different size types for different reasons. In this case, the difference is between ASCII and Unicode. Java characters use 2-bytes to store a Unicode character so as to allow a wider variety of characters in strings, whereas C, at least by default, only uses 1 byte to store a character.

How many characters is one byte?

Long long time ago a character was only one byte. Now (unicode) a character is 2 or 4 bytes, but usually we use a variable-length encoding called utf-8.