

Is urine a compound

Updated: 5/21/2024
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15y ago

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Urine is a homogeneous mixture - all components are in the same physical state as an aqueous solution.

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3w ago

Urine is a liquid waste product composed of water, electrolytes, and waste substances like urea and creatinine. It is not a compound but a complex mixture.

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15y ago

no, it is a mixture

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Q: Is urine a compound
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Explain the method of determining the density of urine using urinometer?

To determine the density of urine using a urinometer, you simply place the urinometer in a container of urine and allow it to float. The reading is taken at the point where the surface of the urine intersects with the scale on the urinometer. The density of the urine is then determined by comparing this reading to a known scale.

How refrigeration cause a decrease or an increase in urine specific gravity?

Refrigeration can potentially cause a decrease in urine specific gravity due to the effects of low temperatures on dissolved solutes in the urine, which can lead to crystallization or precipitation. On the other hand, refrigeration can also cause an increase in urine specific gravity if there is evaporation of water, concentrating the urine. Overall, the impact of refrigeration on urine specific gravity may vary depending on the specific composition of the urine and the conditions of refrigeration.

What is the compound word for pitch?

The compound word for pitch is "pitchfork".

How fast does urine cool down?

Urine cools down at a rate similar to other liquids, losing heat to the surrounding environment. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and airflow can affect how quickly urine cools down. Generally, urine will cool to room temperature within a few minutes if left undisturbed.

How does the chemical formula of a compound relate to the relative number of atoms in the compound?

The chemical formula of a compound provides information about the elements present in the compound and the ratio in which they are combined. The subscripts in the chemical formula indicate the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound.

Related questions

Urine is a compound or a element?

Urine is a mixture.

What is the chemical formla for urine?

Urine is a complex mixture, not a compound.

Is urine a mixture element or compound?

Urine is a mixture.

What is the main waste compound in urine consist of?

The main waste compound in urine is urea, which is produced when the body breaks down protein from the food we eat. Urea is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and excreted in urine.

What you the primary compound found in urine?

The primary compound found in urine is urea, which is a waste product produced by the liver as it breaks down proteins. Other compounds present in urine include water, salts, and various other waste products.

Is urine compound or mixture?

urine is a homogenius mixture thats is all the components in urine are present in the same physical state.

What is the organic compound found in the urine and derived from the breakdown of protein?

Urea is the organic compound found in urine that is derived from the breakdown of protein. It is produced in the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

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Is urine compaund?

yes it contain urea and many more impurities so it is a compound

Are crystals in the urine negative or positive?

Crystals in the urine can be both negative and positive. Often, they are considered a negative finding as they may indicate underlying issues such as dehydration, diet imbalances, or certain medical conditions. However, crystals can also be a normal finding and not cause for concern in some cases.

Long does pcp stay in your urine?

With a single use of a typical dose, PCP is usually detectable for up to a week in a urine test. With regular use, it can generally be detected in urine for up to a month, as it is a fat-soluble compound.

Is urine an element or compound?

Urine is an excretory product secreted in the form of a liquid. It is basically a homogeneous mixture. It consists of various components which are in the same physical state as an aqueous solution.