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chemical property

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3d ago

"Very reactive" is a chemical property because it describes how likely a substance is to undergo a chemical reaction with other substances. It does not pertain to any physical characteristic of the substance.

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Q: Is very reactive a physical or chemical property?
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Is very reactive a chemical or physical change?

Reactivity is a chemical property, not a change.

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It is very reactive.

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Yes, reactivity to water is a chemical property of copper, not a physical property. Copper does not react with water at room temperature, but it can slowly react with water when exposed to high temperatures or steam to form copper oxide.

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Chemical Property (as a layer of oxide is formed on the surface)

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By the very fact that your have written 'reaction' , it is a chemical property.

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Noble gases are not reactiveHalogens are very reactive.

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They are very reactive.

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Cesium is the most chemically reactive metal.

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The explosiveness of fireworks is a chemical property because it is a result of the chemical reactions that occur within the fireworks composition. The specific combination of chemicals and their reactions determine the colors, sounds, and overall explosiveness of the fireworks.