

Is water isotonic to salt water?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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11y ago

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yes it is with out isontonic the water would become solid and making it no longer water, so with out isotonic water wouldnt be water

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2w ago

No, water is not isotonic to salt water. Salt water has a higher osmotic pressure than pure water due to the presence of salt ions, making it hypertonic compared to water.

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A water solution that has the same salt concentration as the cells is said to be?

An isotonic solution. This means that the concentration of solutes in the solution is the same as the concentration of solutes inside the cells, resulting in no net movement of water across the cell membrane.

What are the 3 stages of osmosis?

The three stages of osmosis are isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic. In an isotonic solution, there is no net movement of water molecules. In a hypotonic solution, water moves into the cell, causing it to swell. In a hypertonic solution, water moves out of the cell, leading to cell shrinkage.

Does osmosis occur in an isotonic solution?

In an isotonic solution, there is no net movement of water across the cell membrane, as the concentration of solutes inside and outside the cell is equal. Therefore, osmosis does not occur in an isotonic solution.

When two solutions are equal in their solute concentration?

When two solutions are equal in solute concentration, they are said to be isotonic. In an isotonic solution, there is no net movement of water across the cell membrane, as the concentration of solutes inside and outside the cell are balanced. This allows for a stable environment for cells to function properly.

How much salt water is in salt water taffy?

Salt water taffy does not contain actual seawater or salt water as an ingredient. The name "salt water taffy" likely originated from its coastal origins and traditional recipe that includes salt. However, the amount of salt water in salt water taffy is negligible.

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What is a solution with the same concentration of water and solutes as inside a cell resulting in the cell retaining its normal shape because there is no net movement of water?

Isotonic solution.Common table salt when added to water is an example of a solute. For example, salt crystals (the solute) are the part of salt water (a solution) which has changed its state when added to water (the solvent).

A water solution that has the same salt concentration as the cells is said to be?

An isotonic solution. This means that the concentration of solutes in the solution is the same as the concentration of solutes inside the cells, resulting in no net movement of water across the cell membrane.

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What is in an isotonic glucose solution?

Isotonic solution is very close to sea water in composition and also concentration. Glucose isotonic solution is an electrolyte solution used for re-hydration. It contains salt, water and glucose.

How does the body compensate after ingestion of isotonic saline?

It removes the water and the salt in urine.

Is 10 percent of NaCl isotonic?

No, it is far from isotonic. there's even more salt in it than in ocean water (3%).A typical home recipe for an isotonic solution, used for nasal spray, consists of 1⁄2 litre of water, 4 to 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of salt. This is about 10 grams per Litre or 1 % NOT 10%

Is a potato in salt water Hypertonic hypotonic or isotonic?

Hypertonic. This is because the water has a higher concentration of solutes than the potato.

What are Examples of isotonic fluid?

Normal saline is an example of an isotonic fluid. It contains 0.9% salt in water.An isotonic solution is a solution that contains the same concentration of solutes (dissolved particles) as blood. Isotonic saline is an example. Isotonic saline is a solution with the same concentration of salts as human blood.

Cerebrospinal fluid is made of?

Mostly salt water (i.e. .9% = isotonic) with some protein mixed in.

A cell that has neither a net gain nor a net lose of water when it is immersed in a solution is?

A cell that neither gains nor loses water when it is immersed in a solution is called isotonic to its environment. Cells with a higher concentration of ions than the surrounding medium tend to expand.

What is the example of isotonic solution?

An example of an isotonic solution is normal saline (0.9% NaCl solution). Isotonic solutions have the same concentration of solutes as bodily fluids, allowing for minimal movement of water across cell membranes to maintain cell integrity.

Does a salt water pool dehydrate you?

If a salt water pool has a DE (diatomaceous earth) filter, then the filter depends on the DE for filtration. Salt water pools must be filtered just the same as fresh water pools. Not all filters use DE however. There are also sand and cartridge style filters that do not use DE. Salt is added to a pool usually to enable the use of a salt water chlorine generator which can eliminate the need to add chlorine because the chlorine is generated electrically from the salt. It does not eliminate the need for filtration and in the case of a DE filter, does not change the need for DE.