

Is wax protein

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Wax is a lipid (aka fat).

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Q: Is wax protein
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What are the components of ipil-ipil leaves that it can be as a alternative floor wax?

The ipil-ipil leaves are high in protein, and when they are juiced or squeezed into a pulp the protein can be added to paraffin wax for use on floors. Studies have shown that a floor wax made with the juice from ipil-ipil leaves is comparable to a commercial wax.

What is the plural of wax?

The plural for wax is still wax.

Do wax beans have wax in them?

No not in them but the have a wax substance on the outside of them

How can you get wax off your tile floor?

not candle wax but the wax that you can put wax warmer it was spilled

What is the possessive form of wax?

The possessive form of the noun wax is wax's.Example: The wax's consistency is just right.

What is the Different between dental floss with wax and without wax?

If you are allergic to wax don't get the wax kind.

What is golf wax?

Golf wax is the name of a brand of paraffin wax. Paraffin wax is usually used for making candles, or for therapeutic wax for the skin.

Was it wax in wax out or wax on wax off from the karate kid movie?

Wax on, Wax off is how Mr. Myagi taught Daniel how to do a circle block. The block is one of the cornerstones of Okinawa karate.

Is wax a protein carbohydrate lipid or nucleic acid?

wax is not carbohydrate! i am doing a project on animal cells and need a representative for the endoplasmic reticulum which makes proteins there for i chose waxy sticks but my material needs to match the definition it makes proteins so i searched up if wax makes proteins i came across NO answer until.......I came across this one here on ask and i have to say she/he is quite right and even if you search up a carbohydrate it is still correc that wax is neither a protien carbohydrate lipid or nucleic acid!

What is the alternate use of montan wax carnauba wax used to make carbon paper roll?

What is the alternate use of montan wax ? What is the alternate use of montan wax ? Alternate of Montan Wax is Carnauba Wax. Montan and Carnauba wax cannot be replaced fully but it can partially replaced by Vegetable wax compound.

Do wax worms come from wax moths?

Yes, wax worms are the caterpillar larvae of wax moths. They are commonly used as fishing bait and as food for pet reptiles.

What nicknames does Yung Wax go by?

Yung Wax goes by Yung Wax.