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ANSWER 1 Yes, it's perfect. I did it once and it was even better then I thought. It was over date, but good, very good. ANSWER 2 I do not agree with the above answer. Eating a 2 year old frozen chicken can make you feel very bad. It can harm your digestive system because obviously, the meat isn't fresh anymore. Keep yourself away from eating unfresh meat. Better safe than sorry.

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14y ago
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13y ago

yes, but it depends what it is if it is something like fruits or vegatables then its safe but if it is like pork or beef i recommend not to eat it if it is like chicken it should be ok to eat

I wouldn't want to take the risk

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7y ago

No, as long as it is cooked before consumption.

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14y ago

no it is not safe

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Q: Is it safe to eat 2 year old frozen food?
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