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Q: It's valued because it's beautiful and rare?
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What element is valued because it beautiful and rare?


What is a rock that is valued because it's beautiful and rare?

it could be any rock

Is gold expensive because it is a rare element?

It is rare, beautiful and doesn't degrade!

Why are gemstones precious?

Because they're beautiful and/or rare.

Why is gold so popular?

because it is rare , shiny and beautiful not

Why are diamonds so valued?

Because they are so rare and because of the skill and labour so intense to produce gemstones from raw diamonds.

Are diamonds rare?

yes diamonds are rare and beautiful

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Jacquie is a beautiful name because it means most rare jade.

Was aluminum a rare metal before 19th century?

Yes. It was almost valued higher than any rock because of its rarity and complexities.

What are rare and beautiful elements called?

That would depend on what you mean by rare and beautiful, both very subjective terms.

Why is Pokemon Emerald so expensive?

Emeralds are expensive because they are rare and beautiful.

How is the diamond valued today?

it ts treated rare today and pricless