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monique robles

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Q: It RAINS for the whole weekend, so the fish were safe for another week?
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What is the capitalized verb that agrees in this sentence It RAINS for the whole weekend so the fish were safe for another week?

It RAINS for the whole weekend so the fish were safe for another week is not grammatically correct. Rains is present tense; were safe is past tense.Correct: It rained for the whole weekend so the fish were safe for another week.

What is the verb form of the capitalized verb that agrees with the sentence It RAINS for the whole weekend so the fish were safe for another week?

It RAINS all right, for the whole weekend, so the fish were safe for another week.

Yoro region where it rains fish?

Same place where it rains cats and dogs

Will a Betta Fish eat another type of fish if it is hungry?

its kinda rare to see a beta eat a whole fish, usually they injure and bite other fishes. but its a high possibility that a beta could eat another fish if its really really hungry, due to its instincs, but usually the fish cant be bigger than the betta itself.

What is another name for devil fish?

Another mane for 'Devil Fish' is 'Poo Fish'.

Where do fish go when it rains?

When it rains, fish typically stay in the water. They may get closer to the surface to find food that has been washed into the water, or they may seek shelter in submerged vegetation or underwater structures. Some fish, like salmon, may even swim upstream during rainstorms to lay their eggs in freshwater streams.

What is another name for flying fish?

Another name for a flying fish is a Ray-Finned fish.

Does the fish rot from the head down?

Yes, the whole fish will rot.

What is the best fish to cook whole?

i had red snapper whole and it was delicious

How soon can you put tropical fish from one tank to another?

If you are going from the pet-store's tank to yours you should place the whole bag into your tank for at least 30 minutes then release the fish. If you are going from your tank to another tank you should wait until the tanks are the same temperature then go from one tank to another.

2+2=fish then what is fish +fish?

Two plus two = fish because if u look at a 2 sideways it is half of a fish and if u add another 2 to it it is a whole fish if you look at it sideways! didn't anybody tell u that in like 2nd grade that was a joke at that time.!?also 3 pus 3 = 8 its all sideways if u look at a 3 sideways its half of an 8 and if u add another 3 its an 8!

What is another name for a fish tank?

Aquarium is another name for a fish tank