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The earth is always under you, so you are eating over dirt.

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Q: It is a scientific fact that a person eats over an inch of dirt at every meal how is that possible?
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What is the scientific name for dirt?

Scientific name for dirt - regolith

How is this possible it is a scientific fact that a person eats over an inch of dirt at every meal?

Somethings such as what you are trying to say here, are just possibilities or just theories not proved or sometimes the case is just that not many people believe in that certain theory. To prove something as a fact you need a large population that will actually believe it.

What is the scientific name for a dirt dauber?

The scientific name for a dirt dauber is Sceliphron caementarium.

Have you got Cilia?

yes every person has cilia they play a vital role to keep the lungs free of dirt and other contiminates.

What cc dirt bike should a 32kg person ride?

the lowest possible. if your a small person and you do not way to much then a big bike will take control of you. i would recommend a 50cc-90cc

Do plants grow better in dirt or soil?

Soil, because it contains vital nutrients. 'Dirt' tends to be worn-out or 'dead' soil. **The person who wrote this is smart!! I was about to write Dirt and soil are the same things. Dirt is the amateur word for soil, and soil is the scientific word for dirt. Don't listen to what I said. I mean, I might be right, but the person's comment above me souds a lot more realistic.** 81 - look sideways at this smiley face...... It is a guy with eyes and dimple-ish things. ~M****B**

What is a person kind of dirt?


What is the scientific calcuation for dirt?

Question is incomplete/poorly written. Suggest deletion.

Is dirt a person place or thing?

The noun dirt is a thing; a word for a substance.

Does dirt causes rust?

If this dirt is formed only from dry soil particles rusting doesn't occur; possible errosion.

What kind of dirt is on a penny?

Every kind of dirt the coin has been in contact with while in the hands of people. Oils in a persons hand bond the dirt to the coin.

When was the Yamaha dirt bike made?

Every Day what model