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No it is not possible for water to get into the body through the belly bottom. The belly bottom is a layer of skin fat and muscle that is not permeable and therefore water cannot pass through it. The body can absorb water through other areas such as the:

  • Mouth
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Skin

Water can enter the body through these areas as they are all permeable and can absorb water molecules. The belly bottom is not able to absorb water as it is a barrier to keep it out.

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Elinor McDermott

Lvl 13
1y ago
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4mo ago

No, water cannot enter the body through the belly button. The belly button is a scar from the umbilical cord and does not have any opening to allow water or any other substance to enter the body.

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Q: It is possible water get in to the body trough the belly bottom?
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Depends on the width and depth of the trough.

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Measuring a wave from crest to trough in the verticaldirection will give the amplitude of the wave. It's called the peak to peak value (as it is is a measure of the distance from the positive peak to the negative peak -- the crest and trough). Measuring the wave in the horizontal direction from a crest to a trough will result in half a wavelength.Picture a water wave frozen on the surface of a pond. The distance (verticaly) from the bottom of a trough to the top of a crest is the amplitude of that wave. A measure of the distance (horizontally) from the bottom of a trough to the top of a crest is half the wavelength of the wave. (Note that athe use of "bottom of a trough" and "top of a crest" might seem redundant or even nonsensical, but is applied here in the hopes of clarity.)

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All of them only Distillate Water can not pass trough electricity, because they do not contain minerals and salts

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To calculate the volume of water in a semicircular trough, one should figure out the area of the cross section (the semicircle) first. Then, this number should be multiplied by the length of the trough.

How many gallons of water are in a 3' across by 2' high water trough?

You haven't told us how long the trough is, or how deep the water is in it. If it's full to the rim ... 2-ft deep ... then there's 44.88 gallons for every foot of the trough's length.

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A trough is something that contains food or water. A small animal might be fed from a bowl; a large animal needs a bigger food container. That's a trough. A visual: you know how in movies set in the American West, after a fight, somebody ends up in the water container the horses were drinking out of? That's a water trough.

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