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No, low temperatures usually slow down reaction rates.

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1w ago

Cold temperatures generally slow down reaction rates because molecules have less kinetic energy to react with each other. This is in contrast to higher temperatures, which typically increase reaction rates by providing more energy for molecules to collide and react.

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12y ago

It doesn't, it slows it down because the molecules move slower. Heat speeds up reaction rates because the molecules move faster :)

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13y ago

no heat does though :)

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8y ago


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Q: It is true that cold usually speeds up reaction rates?
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Cold usually speeds up reaction rates?

no it usually slows down

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It usually lowers their effectiveness, i.e. slows the reaction rate.

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Yes, because the simplified definition of a 'chemical change or reaction' is "a change or reaction (usually dealing with extreme heat or cold) that CAN NOT be undone. Thus, a cooked cake can not be changed back to its originall state of batter.Hope I helped :)

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