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Life started to occupy the surface of the earth about about 475 million years ago (plants). Insects followed on land 400 million years ago and reptiles at 300 million years ago. The ozone layer started to form after the atmosphere became richer in oxygen due to the evolution of blue-green algae 2 billion years ago. As result the presence of life on the Earth's land surfaces was far removes (in time) from the creation of the ozone layer.The way evolution works is that the existing land life on Earth requires the ozone layer. However if the ozone was mission life may well have developed with alternate ozone protection (shells, UV reflective colours, a more UV resistant chemistry. present life would not do well in a high UV environment but this is not to say that land life could not have developed in such an environment.

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2w ago

The ozone layer protects life on land from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. UV radiation can damage DNA and harm living organisms. The ozone layer acts as a shield, absorbing most of the incoming UV rays, allowing life to thrive on land.

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8y ago

The abundance of ultraviolet radiation would have destroyed them.

there was no carbon dioxide until the atmosphere formed for the plants to breathe

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13y ago

there was no carbon dioxide until the atmosphere formed for the plants to breath

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9y ago

Complex Organisms couldn't develop before ozone. It was because of UV rays that kept destroying them.

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9y ago

Life on land require ozone. It is because it block UV which block the life formation.

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9y ago

Without ozone there was no life. Mankind will also not exist.

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Complex organisms could not develop before ozone. It was because of UV entering earth.

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Q: It is thought that life could not have existed on land until the ozone layer formed about 2 billion years ago Why does life on land require an ozone layer?
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It is thought that life could not have existed on land until the ozone layer formed about 2 billion years ago. Why does life on land require an ozone layer?

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