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Q: It snows 13 days in February and February has 28 days how many days does February get snow?
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When does it snow the most in Switzerland?

February is the time it snows the most

How Many days does it snow in belem Brazil?

It snows an average of 7 days a year! Hope I helped,.. I love you btw...

Does it snow in hot springs Arkansas in December?

Not usually. But it often snows in January and February.

What is the average number of rainy days on mount Everest?

Snow falls on and around Mount Everest a lot. There is probably not many days when it does not snow there.

When does it snow in New York City?

2008: December 6th2009: December 5thit snows from late November till early February

How do snowstorms affect the earth?

When it snows, roads get slicker, everywhere that snows is colders, plants will not live through the snow. sometimes schools and businesses will be closed due to too many inches of snow.

Is the Word snow singular or plural?

Snow is singular when it is a noun. Snow can also be a verb. We have 3 feet of snow on the ground. (noun) We have had 4 large snows already this year. (plural noun). It will snow again tonight. (verb) It snows and snows; will it ever stop? (verb)

Is the word snow a noun?

The word 'snow' is both a noun (snow, snows) and a verb (snow, snows, snowing, snowed). Examples:noun: The snow is at least six inches deep.verb: It looks like it will snow tonight.

What is the name of the machines that cleans snow after it snows?

A snow plow.

What is a verb for 'snow'?

The forms for the verb to snow are: snow, snows, snowing, snowed. It "snows" here in winter. It is going "to snow" tomorrow. It is "snowing" today. It "snowed" yesterday.

why does it snow in April?

it snows because its not summer at the end of april the snows all gone

Will it snow this January or February 2012?

We don't know where you are. But I'm going to assume you're somewhere in snow-deprived North America, and I'll reassure you that the pattern is improving in terms of chances for snow. So if it normally snows in January and February where you live, it probably will this year. However, this winter still probably won't be as good in many places as it was in the last few years.