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Q: Job was timed for 60 cycles and had an average of 1.6 minutes per piece. The performance rating was 91 percent and workday allowances are 19 percent. Determine each of the following?
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What is the average of 48 and 67?

Normally, at least two numbers are used to determine an average. If there is only one number, then the average is the number itself, so the answer is 48.

What is the average allowance of a 9 year old?

It's probably difficult to find some kind of statistical average, as there is no reported national consensus for average allowances for certain age groups. I myself never was paid allowance, but I bet it usually has to do with your parent(s)' income and the balance between alloting you some economic freedom without spoiling you and shirking your potential for self-responsibility in the future.

What is the weighted average of the following 2 2 2.5 3 3 4?

In addition to the observed values, a weighted average needs weights. No weights are given.

What is the Average IQ for 5 year old?

IQ does not change with age, rather a specific test deigned for 5 year olds is needed to determine an individuals IQ. Average will still be 100.

How can you find out how many gallons of water are in a pool?

You need to know four different numbers: the length, width, average depth, and a multiplier that determines gallons. Here is the formula: Length X Width X Average Depth X Multiplier = Gallons Determine the Multiplier: Rectangle, square, or free-form pool:multiplier = 7.5. Round or Oval pool: multiplier = 5.9 Determine the Average Depth: To determine the average depth in a pool where the bottom slopes, measure the shallow end, the the deep end depth. Add them together and divide by two (2). Example: Shallow End = 2'. Deep End = 10' 2' + 10' = 12'; 12'/2 = 6' Average Depth

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What is grading in education?

Grading in education refers to scoring documents to determine what answers are correct. Based on performance, students receive a grade point average.

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how does a batting average measure a picther performance

What is three reasons that students should keep the average amount of homework?

to get higher grades to get more allowances from their parents to become more popular in the campus

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How is performance on neuropsychological tests interpreted?

Performance on neuropsychological tests is usually evaluated through comparison to the average performance of large samples of normal individuals.

What is the average of 46?

At least two numbers are required to determine an average.

What is the average of 74?

At least two numbers are required to determine an average.

What methods does human resource management use to assess employee performance?

appraisal methods include (1) ranking of all employees in a group; (2) using rating scales to define above-average, average, and below-average performance; (3) recording favorable and unfavorable performance