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Heat is personified as embracing the sadness of the person in this sentence.

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Q: Just as my feet touched the Sweltering pavement the heat embraces my sadness. Which object or concept is personified here?
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Which object or concept is personified here?


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Is Eris older than Ares?

Age is relative, but Eris is a personified concept and the daughter of Nyx in most myths. There are some, however, that list Eris as a daughter of Ares. So the answer is "yes and no".

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Greek philosophers believed that the universe was governed by natural laws and principles, often personified as deities such as Zeus or the concept of a divine intelligence called the Logos. They also believed in the concept of fate or destiny, which influenced the course of events in the universe.

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Wabi-sabi is a Japanese concept that embraces the beauty of imperfection, impermanence, and simplicity. It celebrates the beauty found in the natural cycle of growth and decay, as well as the value of simplicity and authenticity in objects and experiences.

Best longboard for carving and recreating the feeling of hardboots snowboarding and for pavement mainly?

Loaded Vanguard, no competition, these boards were designed with that exact concept, make sure you get the right flex. Its all on their website.