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Particularly in Marx's day, there were terrible injustices inflicted upon working people by more affluent people, the bourgeoisie and the upper classes, and it seemed logical that such injustice must inevitably lead to a revolt. However, as it happens, that is not the only possible outcome. Sometimes there are less violent means of correcting injustice and creating a more equitable society. We now have things such as minumum wage laws, regulations requiring safe working conditions, child labor laws, etc., all of which are designed to prevent the abuse of workers.

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bourgeoisie and establish a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively. This event would lead to the end of capitalism and the establishment of socialism.

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I don’t know

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Miles McKinney

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2y ago
Then don't say anything. Simple as that

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Q: Karl Marx predicted that the proletariat would overthrow the?
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What did Karl Marx predicte?

the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie.

Who believed that all history was the history of class struggles and that the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie?

Karl Marx believed that all history was the history of class struggles and that the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie.

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workers' salary demands would be ignored by factory owners

According to Karl Marx the would one day overthrow the?

According to Karl Marx, the proletariat (working class) would one day overthrow the bourgeoisie (capitalist class) in a revolutionary movement, leading to the establishment of a classless society based on common ownership of the means of production. This overthrow of the capitalist system would result in the withering away of the state and the end of exploitation and inequality.

Who believes that all history was the history of class struggles and the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie?

Karl Marx believed that all history was the history of class struggles and that the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie.

Who believed that the workers would overthrow the wealthy business owners?

Karl Marx, a philosopher and economist, believed that the working class (proletariat) would eventually revolt against the wealthy capitalist class (bourgeoisie) in a socialist revolution, leading to the establishment of a classless society.

What did Karl Marx predict the workers would do?

Karl Marx predicted that the working class, or proletariat, would eventually rise up in a revolution against the capitalist system, overthrow the ruling class, and establish a classless society where the means of production are collectively owned.

Who were the warring classes according to Karl Marx?

According to Karl Marx, the warring classes in society are the bourgeoisie (capitalist class who own the means of production) and the proletariat (working class who sell their labor for wages). Marx believed that these two classes had conflicting interests and that this class struggle would eventually lead to the overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat.

Where did marx and engles predict it would happen?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels predicted that the communist revolution would first occur in advanced capitalist societies where the working class was most developed, such as Western Europe. They believed that the working class would eventually rise up against the bourgeoisie to establish a socialist system.

Where did Karl marx think a communist revolution would take place first?

Karl Marx believed that a communist revolution would likely take place in the industrialized capitalist societies of Western Europe, such as Britain or Germany, where the contradictions of capitalism were most pronounced. He theorized that the working class, or proletariat, would overthrow the bourgeoisie and establish a communist society based on common ownership of the means of production.

What were Karl Marx's early revolutionary ideas concerned with?

Karl Marx's early revolutionary ideas were concerned with critiquing capitalism and advocating for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat. He believed that the class struggle would eventually lead to a classless society where the means of production were collectively owned.

Did Karl Marx mention conflict between have and havenots?

Yes, Karl Marx discussed the conflict between the "haves" (bourgeoisie or capitalists) and the "have-nots" (proletariat or workers) in his theory of class struggle. He argued that this conflict would ultimately lead to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a classless society.