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1. Direct quotation. 2. Indirect Quotation. 3. Block Quotation

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Q: Kinds of sentence according to discourse?
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Kinds of sentence according to structure?

kinds of sentence according to structure

Use Discourse in a sentence?

Discourse is key to an open, trustworthy,and understanding relationship.

What are the two kinds of discourse?

quoted and reported speech

How to use discourse in a sentence?

The discourse was only about eachother, therefor no one else was involved.

What are different kinds of sentence according to structure?

Sentence according to structure are: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex.

4 kinds of sentence according to structure?

The Imperative sentence is always use in putting a (.) in the last sentence

Kinds of sentence according to functions?

The four types of sentences according to function include a declarative sentence and interrogative sentence. The other two are imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences.

Kinds of phrases according to structure?

A sentence is made up of one clause or more clauses. The kinds of sentence based on their structures other than complex sentence are namely: complex-compound sentence, compound sentence, simple sentence.

What are the 4 kinds of sentence according to structure?

demonstrative, declarative, interrogative and exclamatory

What is prescriptive discourse?

Prescriptive discourse is any discourse that promotes what should be thought, spoken, or done. For example, the sentence 'That window is open' normally expresses a certain descriptive thought (proposition, statement), namely, that that window is open. By way of contrast, the sentence "You should open that window" would normally be used to tell someone what to do, to prescribe a certain action. So prescriptive discourse is normative discourse. It is discourse about what ought to be the case rather than descriptive discourse about what is the case.

Sentence for discourse?

The discourse surrounding climate change is both varied and complex, with scientists, policymakers, and the general public all engaging in discussions about causes, impacts, and potential solutions.

Can you have a sentence using discourse?

The participants engaged in a lively discourse on the topic of climate change during the conference.